Version 3.3.07 (May 21 2021) - Fixed: HGA Lifecycle was not reporting the resistance used to calculate the power/voltage, making it seem like the bias was inaccurate Version 3.3.06 (Jan 14 2021) - Fixed: Power bias mode was not sweeping, not because of a miscalculation, but because the max Aux Bias parameter was truncating the bias and was incorrectly labeled. Version 3.3.05 (Jan 6 2021) - Fixed: Power bias mode was not sweeping due to an incorrect calculation Version 3.3.04 (Feb 13 2019) - Fixed: 12x_Constant - Corrected a miscalculation when sweeping bias is power mode - Fixed: HGA Lifecycle - Was not updating results if only one head was selected Version 3.3.03 (Sept 18 2016) - Fixed: 12x_Constant - Modified to work with quasi Short spikes were occuring leading to head degredation Version 3.3.01 (Jan 13 2016) - Fixed: 12x_Constant - could not save 5000mV bias mode Version 3.3.00 (Jan 11 2016) - Added: 12x_Constant - True V-Bias mode - Added: 12x_Constant - continous stress level readjust option while inside the stress loop - Fixed: Error when logging data in HGA Lifecycle Sweep with Quasi97 7.32.0 and later Version 3.1.10 (Dec 3 2015) - Fixed: Could not run with the latest Quasi97 (q97shared error) Version 3.1.9 (Mar 3 2015) - Fixed: doRunSingleIteration error if result is missing from the test Version 3.1.8 (Mar 3 2015) - Added: [PERIPH-60] 12xHGA 12xConstant when ELG or Aux are in voltage mode resistance is reported - Added: removed reference to microsoft.PowerPack Version 3.1.7 (Jan 8 2015) - Fixed: [Periph-56] If test setup name included illegal characters, then HGA Lifecycle test data logging woud fail Version 3.1.6 (Dec 9 2014) - Fixed: Last update broke ELGA measurement Version 3.1.5 (Nov 24 2014) - Added: Ability to measure Aux Resistance in 12xConstant stress - Added: Automatically selecting Max resistance range to measure stress device and Aux device resistance during stress Version 3.1.4 (Nov 14 2014) - Fixed: If renaming the HGA lifecycle test to something other than setup number, it stops running - Fixed: UpdateNodeParameter: object reference not set to an instance of an object. Changed to a more descriptive error when trying to sweep parameter that does not exist. Version 3.1.3 (Oct 16 2014) - Added: Using Q97Shared library Version 3.1.2 (Oct 15 2014) - Added: Using OpenTestMenus function from Quasi97 Version 3.1.1 (Oct 14 2014) - Fixed: Unhandled error if TempController is missing Version 3.1.0 (Oct 2 2014) - Fixed: 12x_Constant: Stress on ELG in simulated voltage or wattage mode did not apply correct bias current - Fixed: Before any stress module ran for the first time inside HGA Lifecycle test, there could be some residual results from previous lifecycle run. now reporting 0 if stress did not run. - Fixed: always reported ELG voltage from CH1 Version 3.0.9 (Sep 23 2014) - Fixed: Selected item in the HGA lifecycle sequence would go to the bottom of the list after user changes something related to it Version 3.0.8 (Sep 18 2014) - Fixed: 12x_pulsing stress did not save units - Fixed: graph legend on HGA lifecycle took up space, but was not necessary. there will be no legen at the top of the graph starting from this version Version 3.0.6 (Sep 17 2014) - Fixed: Could not create new setups (sequence contains no elements error if HGA Lifecycle sequence was empty) Version 3.0.5 (Sep 16 2014) - Fixed: 12x constant did not restore CH0 information from setup file - Fixed: 12x_pulse did not restore ch11 information from setup file Version 3.0.4 (Sep 4 2014) - Fixed: Added voltage complience warning in the 12x_constant Version 3.0.3 (Sep 3 2014) - Fixed: ELG Source saw the same range as Aux in 12x_constant stress Version 3.0.2 (Aug 28 2014) - Added: Table name is changed to reflect username of the test, so that it's easier to select the right one using LCViewer Version 3.0.1 (Aug 27 2014) - Added: 100mA bias range for ELG and Aux Version 3.0.0 (Aug 27 2014) - Added: Fully migrated to .NET Version 2.3.3 (Mar 28 2014) - Fixed: Could not run some .net tests (Quasi97 v7 only) - Fixed: Did not open test forms before the tests starts (Quasi97 v7 only) Version 2.3.1 (Dec 9 2013) - Fixed: 12xcontant: Removed 50mA read mode from 12xConstant - Fixed: 12xcontant: sped up bias setting in mW mode - Fixed: 12xcontant: selecing bias range #1 (50mA) incorrectly disabled bias unit selection Version 2.3.0 (July 29 2013) - Fixed: memory leak problem with quasi97 v7 (pe 7) - Fixed: frmLifestress_timer1 overflow error - Fixed: Pretest compatibility to Quasi97 v7 Version 2.2.4 (May 8 2013) - Fixed: FillResultItems error when running with .NEt - Fixed: Data logging column shift if using pulsing bias stress Version 2.2.3 (Apr 29 2013) - Added: Type mismatch error on startup, related to temperature app. Version 2.2.0 (Apr 29 2013) - Added: Quasi97 .NET compatibility Version 2.1.0 (June 19 2012) - Added: Measure Reader Resistance at the end of the stress Version 2.0.1 (June 19 2012) - Added: Control over 12xConstant stress time. Version 2.0.0 (June 19 2012) - Added: x12HGA and TempController are activated through the Hardware Configuration table. This module only contains the tests now. Version 1.3.1 (June 8 2012) - Fixed: lifecycle_data.mdb was moved to appdata folder Version 1.3.0 (June 8 2012) - Fixed: Failed to initialize on Gen3B - Added: running in non-admin mode Version 1.2.2 (Feb 22 2012) - Fixed: Power monitor error message when switching heads with bias turned off. Version 1.2.1 (Feb 3 2012) - Fixed: Power Monitor error was not logged anywhere Version 1.2.0 (Dec 9 2011) - Fixed: Failcheck min max stopped working in previous version. - Fixed: Failcheck % did not work - Fixed: On the first go around stress was applied with the wrong parameters (different from the ones set in HGA Lifecycle test) - Fixed: If not all 12 heads were enabled then TestOneResult function showed subscript out of range error. Version 1.1.8 (Dec 8 2011) - Added: Power monitor function to check if power got disconnected from 2xBar. Version 1.1.7 (Mar 21 2011) - Fixed: Data shift when running 12x_Constant stress for the first time. Version 1.1.6 (Mar 21 2011) - Fixed: If user turned on fail-on parameters in the HGA Lifecycle test, and ran the test at least once, then saved changes to the setup file, then the setup file became corrupted. Version 1.1.5 (Jan 21 2011) - Fixed: If Number of plots saved when running HGA_Lifecycle test exceeded 256, older plots were overwritten. Version 1.1.4 (July 16 2009) - Fixed: If 12x_constant or 12x_pulsing stress did not run at least once, but was used in the seqeunce, then in the middle of the HGA lifecycle sequence the data columns could shift. Version 1.1.3 (June 8 2009) - Added: Magnetic Field parameter to 12x_constant and 12x_pulsing bias stresses. Version 1.1.2 (Nov 03 2008) - Fixed: Write Stress in 12xConstant did not work. Introduced with 5/22/2008 in Quasi97 release 4.6.32. This release requires Quasi97 4.5.56 - Fixed: If temperature was set too low then an error message appeared, and the test stopped. In this release, the test will try to settle on minimum temperature first, then will turn the heater on. Version 1.1.1 (Nov 03 2008) - Fixed: Optimized the ETA calculation (speed). Further improvements to accuracy are planned. - Fixed: Fixed division by zero errors in 12x_constant - Changed: no more temperature polling. - Fixed: Multiple result rows per head in 12x_Pretest if the log individual option was turned on. Version 1.0.11 (May 30 2008) - Fixed: Intead of overwriting the test parameters, those were added after every test. So each new iteration would have more columns than the previous one in the log file. This is if selective logging was disabled. - Fixed: If selective logging was enabled, the test would run until the number of parameters got bigger than 32000. Then the test would generate "CreateStatArray: Subsript out of range" error. Version 1.0.10 (May 5 2008) - Fixed: Sometimes did not run the last head during HGA lifecycle test. This is when the head before last was disabled. - Added: Different data logging arrangement - Fixed: Object or with variable not set, if using 12x_Pretest Version 1.0.9 (May 5 2008) - Fixed: Parameters were not saved to the setup file in 12xConstant, 12xPulsingBias, HGA Lifecycle test, 12x_Pretest. - Fixed: 12x_Constant did not save aux parameters, after reopening the form the parameters were reset. - Added: Button to apply setting to all channels in 12x_Constant and 12x_Pulsingbias - Changed: the name of the parameter in 12x_Constant from Interval(s) to Stress Interval(s) - Added: When "Test" tab is selected in HGA lifecycle test, the sequence tree is disabled now. - Fixed: HGA Lifecycle software shuts down abnormally when editing parameters or opening/closing 12x_* test forms. Version 1.0.8 (Mar 14 2008) - Fixed: Alex Percent changed to Aux percent on the 12xConstant menu. - Fixed: No current record error message Version 1.0.6 (Feb 26 2008) - Fixed: In 12x_constant current board was writing - no matter if it was enabled or not. Version 1.0.5 (Feb 18 2008) - Added: Heater Off Functionality Version 1.0.4 (Feb 18 2008) - Added: Dual Channel testing. - Added: Adaptive parameters handling. Version 1.0.3 (Jan 10 2008) - Fixed: Gen 3 Calibration - Fixed: resistance delta and other tests slower on Board 2-6 Version 1.0.1 (Jan 09 2008) - Fixed: The bias current was not restored after running constant stress in engineering mode. Version 1.0.0 (Jan 09 2008) - Initial Release