Ferro-Magnetic Resonance Module
The FMRA-2008 Module accurately measures magnetic resonance at RF frequencies up to 20Ghz, ideal for characterizing the RF magnetic performance of Magneto-Resistive sensors in multi-directional magnetic fields.
Key Benefits
RF Probecard and connection with measurement range up to 20Ghz
Compatible with our standard test suite
Low Noise measurement system
Comprehensive MR Analysis
Open architecture software allowing custom module design
Available with either ISI's WLA5000 Wafer or BlazerX6B Bar Analyzer platforms
Fully integrated with our software, power supplies, and test platform
ISI's proprietary FMRA-2008 Module accurately measures magnetic resonance at RF frequencies up to 20Ghz, ideal for characterizing the RF magnetic performance of Magneto-Resistive sensors in multi-directional magnetic fields. Characterizing the MR sensor using Ferro Magnetic Resonance techniques can not only examine the sensor performance, but, often, pinpoint a particular problem in the design or manufacturing process, such as concerns with the Hard-Bias or the Reference/Pinning Layer.
The FMRA-2008 electronics module is intended for use with QuadPole magnet systems on either the WLA5000 Wafer Analyzer or the BlazerX6B Bar Analyzer, and incorporates RF Probing and multi-directional field vectors to allow the extensive suite of FMRA-2008 measurements. These measurements include:
Ferro Magnetic Resonance Spectrum Analysis
Diagnostics of hard bias level and uniformity
Stiffness field measurement
Reference layer/Pinning layer diagnostics
Free layer uniformity and domains detection
Free layer magnetization orientation
High Bandwidth Noise Analysis
As MR sensor dimensions shrink in the race to higher Arial Density, control of the reader sensor dimensions becomes more difficult causing many of the above issues. The FMRA-2008 is world's first low-cost, non-destructive, in-situ solution to characterize these issues in a manufacturing environment with production-level throughput.